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Fleas and Your Dog: Prevention and Treatment

Many pet owners see fleas as mere annoyances rather than significant threats to their pet’s health. While fleas often cause irritating symptoms in pets, did you know these pests can also cause severe health conditions if left unchecked? Morgan Pet Clinic in Omaha, NE, prioritizes flea prevention to ensure pets maintain their health and happiness. Seeking flea-focused treatments from a veterinarian near you is a must, so continue reading to learn about fleas and why prevention and treatment are essential.

Health Issues Caused by Fleas

The most common health issue fleas cause pets is an allergic reaction. While the flea itself is not the allergen, many pets experience allergy symptoms due to flea saliva. These symptoms range from mild itching and scratching to hair loss and severe skin inflammation. Your pet may also lick and chew at irritated skin constantly.

The threat posed by fleas extends beyond allergies. Fleas can also pass tapeworms to your pet. Tapeworms can irritate adult dogs and pose even more significant issues for puppies. Your puppy may suffer from an intestinal blockage or anemia due to a tapeworm infection. Do not delay visiting your pet hospital if you see fleas on your dog or puppy. Your veterinarian near you will address the flea infestation and prevent severe health problems from developing.

Flea Prevention and Treatment

Keeping your dog safe from fleas involves regularly bathing and limiting the time it spends outdoors. You should also trim your bushes and shrubs and vacuum your furniture to remove fleas already on your property. Do not forget to wash your dog’s bed regularly to prevent fleas from nesting.

If your dog already has fleas, take it to our pet clinic as soon as possible. Our veterinarian can use topical solutions on its skin to kill fleas and provide some protection. Our veterinarian may use oral or injectable medications for severe flea infestations. They can also recommend flea collars and preventatives to keep fleas off your dog.

Get Preventative Care to Protect Your Pet From Fleas Today at Morgan Pet Clinic

Flea preventatives are the best way to protect your pet from these dangerous pests, so contact Morgan Pet Clinic in Omaha, NE, to get the care necessary to protect your pet’s health and well-being. Call us and schedule an appointment at our pet hospital today at (402) 895-1001 to keep your pet healthy and happy.